Throughout the history of the Gundam series spanning several decades, Gunpla has continued to evolve. At Gundam Base Fukuoka, you can experience the latest Gunpla technology. From exquisitely detailed models to high-tech Gunpla with light-up gimmicks, it captures the hearts of Gundam fans.
The assembled Gunpla on display in the store recreate iconic scenes from Gundam history. Each diorama reveals fragments of the story. From the original Gundam to Turn A Gundam, the classic machines from different eras converge. While contemplating the history of Gundam, you can also purchase your favorite models.
Don't miss the unique merchandise specific to Fukuoka. Keychains that reproduce Gundam lines in Hakata dialect, T-shirts with the emblems of the Federation and Zeon, and seasonal limited items like Gundam and Char's Zaku boots during the Christmas season are also available.
Gundam Base Fukuoka is a special place where you can immerse yourself in the world of Gundam. The classic Gundam music plays, and Gundam merchandise is displayed everywhere. In the model assembly space, you can experience the world of dreams with guidance from the staff. Regardless of age or gender, any Gundam fan will be captivated by this space.
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