Nestled in a tranquil residential area of Nagasaki city, "enishi" is a lifestyle concierge dining place renovated from a tasteful traditional Japanese house. With the owner's meticulous curation of the space and cuisine, guests are offered a premium dining experience.
Utilizing traditional Nagasaki ingredients, each exquisite dish is a piece of art that can be appreciated with both the eyes and the palate. Rooted in the local culinary culture, the unique seasoning and presentation bring out a new charm.
The nostalgic ambiance of the traditional house, with its hand-dug well and courtyard, offers a soothing sanctuary. Relish the cuisine in this peaceful space, where your senses will be heightened, allowing for a deeper appreciation of the flavors.
Away from the hustle and bustle, immerse yourself in the leisurely flow of time, and experience a special moment detached from the ordinary. Indulge in the exquisite cuisine and savor a luxurious, whimsical escape that seems to pause time.
At "enishi", the charm of Nagasaki's culinary tradition is enveloped in artistry and comfort, offering a delightful dining experience. Would you like to experience the heartfelt dedication embedded in the cuisine, the space, and the hospitality?