In the lush mountains of Suno, Shizuoka Prefecture, there stands a mysterious school. The 'School in the Forest' is, as the name suggests, a variety of experiential learning facilities surrounded by trees, allowing children and adults alike to experience the fun and mystery of nature through the five senses, truly a museum in the forest.
After passing through the huge tree trunk-dug 'wooden tunnel', there are various wooden toys waiting. Walking on large logs, rolling wooden wheels, and being immersed in traditional playthings made from natural materials, enveloped in the warmth and aroma of wood, provides stress relief.
On the paths within the school, there are various discoveries to be made. Small animals peeking out from under the roots of trees, the sound of birds perched on branches, and the experience of touching the natural activities. The walking route where you can enjoy forest bathing while observing flora and fauna is perfect for refreshment.
The 'School in the Forest' is an experiential facility for learning in nature through the five senses. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, surrounded by greenery, one can spend a leisurely time. Whether with children or among adults, one can experience the luxurious experience of feeling the charm of nature through the five senses.
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