Located in Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture, Okadera Station is a small station on the Kintetsu Yoshino Line. It serves as a gateway to captivating spots full of Japan's history. The station is named after Okadera, and nearby, visitors can feel as if they've traveled back in time among Asuka period ruins.
Okadera Station is about a 10-minute journey from Kashihara-jingu-mae Station. There's a small rotary in front of the station, convenient for car pick-ups. However, taxis are not always available, so it's advisable to arrange transport in advance.
Nearby, you'll find bento shops and ramen restaurants, making it easy to find quick meals during your tour.
Trains at Okadera Station run about once an hour, so checking the timetable is crucial. Missing a train might mean waiting for over 30 minutes. However, using that