Yuyu-an is quietly nestled away from the bustling center of Fuji City. This restaurant, known for its sophistication in modern Japanese design, offers an intimate space where you can enjoy creative Japanese cuisine using seasonal ingredients. The calm lighting and refined decor create a special ambience.
The charm of Yuyu-an lies in the exceptional quality of its dishes. Each dish crafted by the chef is both visually stunning and delicious. Highly recommended dishes include:
The seasonal delicacy, shirako ponzu, is also reputed as exquisite. A handwritten daily menu allows you to experience special dishes made with the day’s finest ingredients.
The beverage selection is as diverse as the cuisine. From sake and shochu to wine and cocktails, the wide array is sure to please. Enjoy a relaxing time with delicious dishes and drinks.
The staff at Yuyu-an are friendly and attentive. Their courteous service adds to the overall comfort. Whether dining with friends or having a dinner with someone special, it’s an ideal space for a variety of occasions.
Parking is available, making it convenient to visit by car.
Yuyu-an, with its delightful cuisine, atmospheric setting, and high-quality service, stands as a proud Japanese restaurant in Fuji City. It's an excellent choice for special dinners or dining with important people. The ultimate Japanese culinary experience is sure to captivate you.