In the quiet residential area of Hirosaki City, an unexpected sight unfolds. There, a herd of horses graze on grass and lead a leisurely life. These 'Takasugi no Uma' horses are cherished by the locals, who take great care of them. They have even become a walking route for nearby nurseries, making them a familiar presence for children.
In spring, you can witness the birth of adorable foals; in summer, you can see them grazing on the green meadows; in autumn, you can experience the joy of a bountiful harvest, and in winter, you can witness their resilience against the harsh cold. There are usually 4-5 horses, but during the breeding season, the number temporarily increases. The sight of these horses, harmonizing with the natural cycle, offers a precious experience that cannot be found in urban areas.
The 'Takasugi no Uma' were once unknown, but through the affection of the local people, they have been cherished and are now introduced as a tourist spot on Google Maps. The opportunity to interact with the local horses is indeed a unique charm of Hirosaki.
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