Located in the alleyways of Osaka Tenjinbashi, "Osaka-ya" is a long-standing renowned store boasting over 100 years of history. The solemn wooden structure exudes the weight of time and the nostalgia of the downtown. When you pass through the old, tattered entrance curtain, you will be greeted by a traditional space.
Upon entering the store, your heart leaps at the fragrant aroma wafting from the kitchen. The taste of Osaka-ya is supported by the steadfast artisan skills that have been handed down through the generations. From selecting the ingredients to preparation and cooking, each step is infused with the artisans' passion and reverence.
Even as times change, the hospitality of Osaka-ya remains the same. While cherishing the traditional manners, they embrace new attempts and extend a heartfelt welcome to each and every customer. The reason for being loved for over 100 years in this area lies there.
At "Osaka-ya," a precious space where you can experience Osaka’s downtown culture, please enjoy a deeply flavorful moment touching the skills and hearts of the artisans.