The 'Dampa,' known as a place to dispose of the remnants of plants, is a mysterious presence nestled in a corner of Yawatahama City. Let's delve into the true identity and appeal of this facility.
Upon arriving at the 'Dampa,' the first thing that catches the eye is a large metal receptacle. This serves as the 'receptacle' for accepting grass. Its peculiar shape and presence can be seen from a distance. As you approach, you will likely catch the scent of grass emanating from within.
To utilize the 'Dampa,' one must first bundle the grass and then throw it into the receptacle. This act in itself becomes an unusual experience, perhaps for the first time. It should make you aware of the presence of grass once again.
Why was the 'Dampa' installed? It is out of consideration for the natural environment. Burning grass and wood branches in the open air poses risks of air pollution and fire. The 'Dampa' eliminates these dangers and enables proper processing. It is a facility that glimpses the love for nature.
At first glance, the 'Dampa' may seem like a strange presence, but it can be said that it embodies the coexistence of nature and humans. It not only provides the opportunity to discard grass as usual but also serves as a chance to renew consideration for nature. When you visit next time, why not experience the 'Dampa'?