"Hinurawa," nestled in a small alley in Ozu City, Ehime Prefecture, is a beloved long-established oden restaurant by the locals. The pride of this establishment is the authentic broth made with traditional methods. The rich and flavorful taste truly represents the essence of local cuisine.
Each oden is carefully infused with broth that maximizes the umami of the ingredients. The classic menu items such as daikon radish, beef tendon, and eggs, as well as the colorful variety of seasonal ingredients, all exude a deep, rich flavor. The subtly fragrant umami stimulates the appetite, making it easy to forget how much you've eaten.
As you step into the store, you'll feel as if you've visited a homely atmosphere just like your grandma's house. The warmth and kindness of the master and staff surrounding the counter will fill your heart. Enjoying oden wrapped in handmade flavors and warm hospitality is truly extraordinary.
"Hinurawa" is a hidden gem known only to the locals. Why not visit and seek an unforgettable oden experience? You are bound to encounter a satisfying taste of local cuisine.