Nestled in Hikari City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, 'Raimon' is a well-kept secret among Jiro-style ramen fans. Its most distinguishing feature is the sheer volume that exceeds imagination. Upon the arrival of your ordered ramen, the first thing you notice is the mound of bean sprouts. Hidden below are thick noodles and generous slices of pork. It is rightly described as a 'quantity assault'.
The signature dish is 'Rai-Jiro'. Even a small size surpasses the large servings of other ramen shops. The noodles are as thick as chopsticks, with immense chewiness. The pork is tender and falls apart in your mouth. The amount of bean sprouts is overwhelming, perhaps equivalent to three supermarket bags.
First-timers may struggle to finish even the 'small' size. Many brave souls are said to challenge the 'large' size, but it may affect your meals the next day. Choose the right portion based on your stomach's endurance.
Raimon is not just a ramen shop. It's an adventure challenging the limits of your stomach. Why not take on this ultimate full stomach experience yourself?