Kamei Ryokan, located in Iwaki Port, Kami-shima-cho, Ehime Prefecture, is an old-fashioned inn with a charming traditional atmosphere. While retaining the nostalgia of bygone days, the dining satisfaction meets modern standards.
At first glance of the exterior, you can see that this building encapsulates the essence of the past. The deeply aged wooden structure and the attention to detail in the design evoke a sense of nostalgia every time you visit.
However, the true essence of Kamei Ryokan lies in its exquisite cuisine. The portions are generous, and travelers never cease to enjoy the indulgence of hearty meals. The simmered fish, in particular, is highly acclaimed for its ability to extract the full flavor of the ingredients.
Furthermore, Kamei Ryokan's charm lies in its close proximity to Iwaki Port and its complete integration with the local community. In the morning, local ingredients are sourced from nearby supermarkets, and in the evening, fresh seafood arrives from the port. Surrounded by the blessings of the land and loved by the local people, it is a renowned ryokan.
Once you visit, you are bound to become a fan of Kamei Ryokan. Why not surrender yourself to the colorful dishes created by traditional skills and the timeless high-quality space? You are certain to have such delightful memories of your journey that you will want to recommend them to others.