The charming "Hotel Shinanoyoshi," with its Showa retro appearance, is located in a quiet area slightly away from the center of Atami. Although the building has some history, the traditional Japanese atmosphere and the soothing hot springs allow you to spend a relaxing time away from your daily life.
The rooms have a retro design that evokes the passage of time, which is the true charm of traveling. In addition, the private baths are designed with a garden view, providing a private space to soak in the hot spring water.
"Room dining" is offered for breakfast and dinner, allowing guests to enjoy their meals in their rooms. While soaking in the natural hot spring water, you can leisurely pass time while gazing at the scenic view outside the window.
It's a convenient location just a 15-minute walk from JR Atami Station, providing easy access to Atami's main attractions.
Address: 983-1 Naramoto, Higashi-izu-cho, Kamo-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture Phone Number: 0557-23-2260
While the facilities may feel old, they offer a space with a sense of history and the benefits of hot springs. Despite being conveniently located in the center of Atami, this hidden inn exudes a quiet charm and allows you to truly enjoy the essence of travel.