Nestled within Miyazaki Airport, Watatsumi offers a high-quality sushi experience where you can fully enjoy the taste of Miyazaki.
Each piece of sushi encapsulates the flavor of fresh local ingredients, as if serving the overflowing blessings from the land of Miyazaki. The sushi made with Miyazaki beef, in particular, impresses with its melting texture and savory taste, truly representing the pinnacle of culinary delight.
In addition to the cuisine at Watatsumi, the warm hospitality is truly memorable. The master sushi chef and staff welcome you with the care and attention usually reserved for regulars, allowing you to enjoy a blissful moment intoxicated by the taste of Miyazaki in a relaxed space.
During your Miyazaki journey, seize the opportunity to encounter authentic flavors that revolutionize the perception of in-flight meals. Even in the brief moments before boarding the plane, you can immerse yourself in a superb culinary experience at Watatsumi. Don't miss the dream-like flavors that embody Miyazaki.