Nestled in Joyo City, Kyoto Prefecture, 'Kanoji' is a hidden gem that enjoys secret popularity among wagashi aficionados. By preserving traditional wagashi techniques while incorporating modern essences, it creates uniquely original confections that attract many from both near and far.
Kanoji delights visitors with wagashi that change with the seasons. Spring offers sakura mochi, summer comes with mizumanju, autumn presents kurikinton, and winter brings yukimi dango. Expressing each season's charm through wagashi, the offerings not only tantalize the taste buds but also please the eyes as works of art.
The signature product, 'Nagaike no Tsuki', is a delicately sweet yokan made with the local specialty Nagaike grapes. Its beautiful finish, which reflects the delicate craftsmanship of artisans, reminds one of the moonlit surface of Nagaike.
The store's interior is a serene space with a modern Japanese ambiance. Under the soft light filtering through the windows, enjoying wagashi with fragrant tea will make you forget the daily hustle and bustle.
Kanoji is more than just a wagashi store; it is a place where Japan's traditional culture harmonizes beautifully with contemporary sensibilities, offering a feast for both taste and sight. When in Kyoto, take a little detour to visit, and you'll surely encounter the new charm of wagashi.