Located in Aichi, Shiga Prefecture, the business ryokan "Omiya" maintains an old-fashioned atmosphere of a traditional Japanese house. Inside, the building features a charming pure Japanese style, creating a relaxing space that evokes a sense of travel.
The guest rooms, while having an old-fashioned design, are equipped with all necessary facilities. The simple yet functional design provides a spacious and relaxing space.
The large communal bath is equipped with a new Jacuzzi-style bath, allowing you to warm up and relax. There is also an open-air bath where you can enjoy bathing in an open and inviting atmosphere.
The ryokan's catering offers prideful local cuisine that brings out the taste of the ingredients. With a soft and deep flavor, you can fully enjoy the essence of Japanese cuisine.
This ryokan is located along the former Nakasendo Road. Amidst the magnificent natural surroundings, you can feel the historical charm and leisurely unwind from the fatigue of your journey. The "Omiya," which has already become a part of the journey itself, is sure to leave warm memories.