Shin-seki Station, located in the rural area of Niigata, is a tranquil unmanned station. The adorable red brick station building, while retaining the nostalgic ambiance of the old days, is also structurally strong and able to withstand the heavy snowfall in winter. There are few figures on the platform, creating a calm atmosphere as if quietly watching the coming and going of trains.
People who have used this station say, 'I used to take the train to school.' Even memories from half a century ago of daily train rides at this station remain in people's hearts with nostalgia. Despite the passage of time, the station still presents an unchanged appearance, becoming a cherished presence in people's memories.
Shin-seki Station exudes a charm as if time has stood still. Even the small path leading to the station seems to be a place known only to locals, standing quietly, creating an atmosphere that makes one feel far from the hustle and bustle of the city, as if time flows leisurely. Taking a slow deep breath while watching the trains come and go on the platform, one may experience the tranquility wrapped in the countryside.