"Kimimatsu Ryokan" quietly stands in the center of Ogaki City. This long-established ryokan has a history of over 60 years. The retro appearance and the friendly grandmother landlady's personality are the charms of the inn.
The ryokan is managed solely by an 80-year-old grandmother landlady. Even if you return late at night, she greets you with a smile, and her thoughtful hospitality, such as storing your luggage after check-out, soothes the hearts of travelers. The rooms are adorned with hand-drawn illustrations, exuding a homely atmosphere filled with affection.
The ryokan's building has an old-fashioned design, but it exudes a nostalgic atmosphere. The rooms provide a nostalgic boarding house-like feeling, and the night wrapped in heavy cotton futons is a blissful moment. The shower room is a simple traditional design, but it adds to its charm.
Kimimatsu Ryokan may not be suitable for those seeking novelty and perfect facilities. However, for travelers seeking the nostalgic atmosphere of a traditional inn and the warmth of the grandmother landlady, it is the perfect choice. The reasonable pricing is also attractive.