Title: Visiting the Mysterious Spring, Koyama Rei-sui
The Koyama Rei-sui in Mutsu City, Aomori Prefecture, is indeed a cold spring flowing from the foot of Mount Koyama, as its name suggests. This water has long been called the "water of eternal youth and longevity," and it is said that drinking it can rejuvenate oneself.
When visiting the Koyama Rei-sui, you can see the water gushing out from the deep forest. The greenery of the surrounding trees and the mist rising from the spring create an enchanting atmosphere. The water itself is colorless and odorless, and even in the summer, it is refreshingly cool and clear.
It is convenient to access the Koyama Rei-sui by car. There is a slightly widened area along the road where 2-3 cars can park. There are also cups and containers provided at the drinking fountain, making it convenient to carry water. There are also restrooms nearby, making it a comfortable place to stop by.
It is said that "drinking one cup makes you 10 years younger, two cups make you 20 years younger, and three cups make you young until death." This mysterious spring, when actually tasted, may bring a faint smile to your face.
Certainly, it is uncertain whether this is truly the water of eternal youth and longevity, but by drinking this cold and delicious water, you may feel rejuvenated. It is worth taking a break from the luxury of the city and stopping by this mysterious spring.