Kamata Ike is a small pond nestled in the rural landscape of Sakura City, Chiba Prefecture. Surrounded by trees, the pond has a mysterious ambiance with a shrine of Itsukushima Shrine at its center. It is a secluded place, enveloped in tranquility, which adds to its charm.
The shrine at the center of the pond is a branch shrine of Itsukushima Shrine. The unique structure, with the pond surrounding the shrine, resembles the Itsukushima Shrine on Miyajima Island. Due to this mysterious atmosphere, there are legends that yokai and demons are sealed within the pond.
Access to Kamata Ike is by no means easy. It requires navigating through narrow country roads, and regular vehicles can only go as far as the sign near the dead end. From there, it is necessary to proceed further into the depths on foot. However, despite the challenges, it is a less popular place where you can immerse yourself in a mysterious atmosphere.
Kamata Ike is located far from urban areas, in a truly remote location, but in recent years, the surrounding environment has been changing due to the installation of mega-solar panels. It is important to cherish the natural mystery hidden within this small pond and pass it on to the next generation.
Kamata Ike is quite far from urban areas, but it is a precious place where you can experience a unique and eerie atmosphere. If you want to feel the mysteries lurking in nature, why not take a visit?