In Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture, there is a renowned restaurant called HANAYA, where you can enjoy the finest Kakinoha Sushi that combines the traditional flavors with innovative ideas that bring out the natural deliciousness of the ingredients.
Kakinoha Sushi is a local dish of Nara, characterized by vinegared rice and ingredients wrapped in persimmon leaves. HANAYA adheres to this traditional method and handcrafts each piece using fresh local ingredients, emphasizing the importance of the natural flavors of the ingredients while also putting effort into the wrapping and ingredient combinations.
On the other hand, the true allure of HANAYA lies in their exploration of new possibilities for Kakinoha Sushi. They utilize seasonal ingredients and innovative ideas combined with skilled techniques to create unique flavors. For example, the Kakinoha Sushi with white shrimp is accented with a truffle-flavored sauce. You can savor both the traditional essence and the surprising new Kakinoha Sushi creations, which is the charm of HANAYA.
The interior of HANAYA blends traditional Japanese atmosphere with modern design, creating a high-quality space. With seating and counter options, you can enjoy your meal in a serene atmosphere. The dedication and enthusiasm of the restaurant's owner towards the cuisine is also one of its charms. Gift sets of Kakinoha Sushi are popular, allowing you to easily savor the flavors of a reputable restaurant representing Nara. You will certainly experience the special allure of traditional craftsmanship and heartfelt hospitality.