Nestled in the nostalgic alleys of downtown Tokyo, "Tonkai" is a casual and lively pub. During the day, it is known for its hearty ginger pork set meal, and at night, it comes alive with fresh local dishes and sake.
"Tonkai"'s most popular dish is undoubtedly the ginger pork bowl. Upon ordering, the pork and onions are stir-fried on the spot and seasoned with fragrant ginger sauce. Regular size for 500 yen, and medium size for 750 yen, the affordable prices are also a delightful point. The juicy flavor of domestic pork and the balanced aroma of just the right amount of ginger make this dish exquisite.
At night, the atmosphere changes to a standing bar style, and the chef's proudly homemade dishes are lined up. Seasonal side dishes such as salted fish and hokke serve as great accompaniments to sake. Stylish dishes, such as curry served in heart-shaped bowls, are also popular.
The chef has a friendly personality and a warm rapport with regular customers. While intoxicated by the nostalgic melodies of old-fashioned songs flowing through the store, you can relax and enjoy your time.
About a 5-minute walk from the nearest Tokyo Monorail Tennozu Isle Station, it is somewhat hard to find, but once you visit, you will surely want to come back again. At the iconic pub "Tonkai" in downtown Tokyo, why not savor the mature time that blends nostalgia and freshness.